Coached Track Sessions in Full Swing

Just weeks after Viceroys weekly coached track sessions at Stompond Lane began, the news of Mark Yeoman’s good work has so spread that he coached a full house of 14 runners this week. Adapting his programme to equally challenge our 6 minute and 10 minute+ mile runners was an impressive feat, but one which was met with enthusiasm by all, as each time we passed the 400m line he gave individual words of direction and encouragement… or he shouted at you across the track if you thought you were safe for a few seconds.

This week’s popular session focused on increasing cadence to benefit pace, maintaining and increasing pace when (physical and mental) fatigue sets in and negative splits… in addition to individualised support where needed. Although pain and the feeling of physical sickness may (briefly) have been mentioned at the end of the session, everyone is strangely keen to sign up for more next week!photoCA7X0MIG