Why are all the New Viceroys Called Andrew or Simon?

Our recent influx of members seems to have brought a flood of Simons and Andrews … so who is who?Andrew Pirie G picture

Andrew number 2, is Andrew Pirie  – he claims to be 30, but was asked for ID when we all met him for the first time at Viceroys’ social. ‘Ironman Andrew’ has completed 12 Triathlons; 3 London Marathons; 1200 miles Rome to London bike ride unsupported for charity;1 Ironman in 2012 Bolton and has another 3 Ironman events booked for this year – welcome to the club!

Coached Track Sessions in Full Swing

Just weeks after Viceroys weekly coached track sessions at Stompond Lane began, the news of Mark Yeoman’s good work has so spread that he coached a full house of 14 runners this week. Adapting his programme to equally challenge our 6 minute and 10 minute+ mile runners was an impressive feat, but one which was met with enthusiasm by all, as each time we passed the 400m line he gave individual words of direction and encouragement… or he shouted at you across the track if you thought you were safe for a few seconds.

This week’s popular session focused on increasing cadence to benefit pace, maintaining and increasing pace when (physical and mental) fatigue sets in and negative splits… in addition to individualised support where needed. Although pain and the feeling of physical sickness may (briefly) have been mentioned at the end of the session, everyone is strangely keen to sign up for more next week!photoCA7X0MIG

New Viceroy Andrew SMASHES First Ever Triathlon

Andrew Tugwell was hijacked by Chairman Yeo during a swim session – Andrew joined us for a Tuesday night bike ride, challenged even the fast boys and has not looked back since.

Andrew’s first tri at Dorney reflects that although not a triathlete before this weekend, his sporting background (boxing, kickboxing, 5k,10k races encouraged by his dad who has always been a great runner)has certainly stood him in good stead. Thursday night runners will also testify to this newcomer’s fitness levels!Tug1

Andrew says: “If I hadn’t spoken to Mark that day none of this would of happened,so thanks.”

Trevor 3rd in AG – despite dramatic bike fall!

Trevor Hartley completed Wiggle 1/2 Olympic Triathlon Sunday 26th,at Dorney. After an awesome swim where he exited the water 5th, he had a tremendous bike, faster than last year which was the same 21k distance. Then it all went pear shaped!

Trevor fell off his bike at the stop line and his calf immediately seized up – thinking he was out of the race, he limped into transition only to find a near empty rack section, he was in 2nd place.

DSCN1339Trevor put on his running shoes  and went out on the run, probably having lost about 2-1/2 minutes but  he still finished 3rd in the 55+ age group – well done Trevor, those Thursday night Viceroys handicap runs obviously helped you struggle through the pain.

Nicola’s Amazing Road to Recovery

Today is exactly one year since Nicola got hit by a car cycling over Walton Bridge to meet the Viceroys for the first time. That was a pretty low point, she’d broken her teeth, her bike was a write-off and nicolaswimthe driver couldn’t be traced.

She never wanted to be a triathlete, she joined Viceroys because a friend told her that triathletes would be friendlier to ride with than a pure cycling club! But whilst I was waiting for her injuries to heal and to buy a new bike, she thought she may as well learn to swim. Mark still laughs about her first session at Shepperton lake, when she barely got her face wet!

But today, says Nicola (our club secretary), “Thanks to fantastic coaching from Mark and great support from all the Viceroys, I did my third triathlon today. And the swim is my favourite discipline!”

Proud to wear Pink – Viceroy Rory 2nd in GB

Proud to wear pink? Congratulations to Rory on reaching the highest levels of triathlon, with confirmatation of his overall placing for the 2012 Ironman 70.3 season – 2nd in GB and 15th in Europe.

In Rory’s words: ‘Amazing support throughout the year from friends and family that made me secure a place at the World Championships in Las Vegas. Relentless focus and training structure from close friend and coach Mark Yeoman got me to the start lines. Looking forward to seeing what we can achieve over this season and beyond.’

Chertsey Time Trial Success

markBIKEAfter Alan Clarke achieved a PB at the weekly Chertsey time-trial (25:07), Mark Yeoman (not to be beaten) trialled it to give his legs a blast before his first Olympic distance race of the season. Putting the pressure on by missing his start time (the clock was already running by about 45 seconds) somewhat flustered him over the first half of the course, but he still finished an astonishing 3rd overall in  24.45. Free Thursday time trial sessions for all Viceroys – if you can handle the nasty last stinging hill at Longcross!

UPDATE: The following week, Mark achieved 2nd place in 24:18

2 Viceroys Podium Positions

podiumThorpe 1 was a real success for Viceroys – particulary Alan Harris and Mark Yeoman, who both won their age groups. Mark came second overall and Alan came sixth overall. Great performances also came from Kate Wallace, Peter Bell, Colin Hinsley and Trevor Hartley

Alan Clarke – 3 races 3 wins

alanhelenAfter coming home forth Vet at Thames Turbo 1, Clarkie bettered this achievement again… twice! On Friday 17th he competed in the Jones Lang LaSalle Property sprint triathlon, coming 1st out of 108 in the 45-49 group and 9th out of 889 men. Second in his swim wave and then managed to average 40.3 kph on his bike – an impressive first for him at the sprint distance.

Two days later, Alan raced down at Chichester in a Standard distance race and won the 45-49 group and come second in the Vet category and came away with a trophy.